Crossing cultures with food

Born to elevate the idea of home dining, Tôi tên lā began in 2018 as an outlet for two creative professionals, one Vietnamese and one Singaporean. One with dreams of being a chef and the other with an appetite for business and bringing ideas to life, and both with an appreciation for food and its ability to unite and delight. Shining the spotlight on Vietnamese home-cooking, we invited guests to slow down and chat over a home-cooked meal.

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Better together

In 2020, with a global pandemic turning everything and everyone on their heads, Min returned to Saigon and began working with Katie and Tung and Matthew to thaw the brand in cold storage. With a dash of creativity and a generous dollop of practicality, we were ready to serve the concept of Tôi tên lā Gourmet—our way of elevating your home dining experience wherever you may be—one jar, box and gift set at a time.

Let’s have a chat!

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